
The configuration of an openAMUNDSEN model run can either be read in from a YAML file or be passed directly as a dictionary from within Python.

Only few configuration parameters (domain, start_date, end_date, resolution, timezone and the input data directories) are mandatory, for all other parameters default values are used otherwise. The different options for the process modules are described at the respective sections in the model description. A detailed documentation of all model parameters will be available soon (in the meantime, the available parameters and their default values can be looked up in configschema.yml.

This is an example of a YAML configuration file:

domain: rofental
start_date: 2019-10-01
end_date: 2020-09-30
resolution: 50 # spatial resolution (m)
timestep: h # temporal resolution as a pandas-compatible frequency string (e.g., "h", "3h", "D")
crs: "epsg:32632" # CRS of the input grids
timezone: 1 # timezone of the model domain (difference to UTC in h)
results_dir: results/rofental # directory for storing the model outputs

# Input data configuration
    dir: data/rofental # location of the input grids (DEM, ROI etc.)

    dir: data/rofental/meteo/ # location of the meteorological input data
    format: netcdf # input format (csv or netcdf)
    #crs: "epsg:32632" # CRS of the station coordinates (when using CSV format)
    bounds: grid
    aggregate_when_downsampling: false

# Output data configuration
  # Configuration for gridded outputs
    format: ascii # output format (ascii, geotiff or netcdf)
      # Temperature (monthly mean)
      - var: meteo.temp # internal variable name
        name: temp_month # NetCDF output variable name
        freq: M # write frequency (if not specified, write every timestep)
        agg: mean # aggregation function ("sum", "mean" or empty)

      # Precipitation (monthly sum)
      - var: meteo.precip # internal variable name
        name: precip_month # NetCDF output variable name
        freq: M # write frequency (if not specified, write every timestep)
        agg: sum  # aggregation function ("sum", "mean" or empty)

      # SWE (monthly mean)
      - var: snow.swe
        name: swe_month
        freq: M
        agg: mean

      # Snow depth (monthly mean)
      - var: snow.depth
        name: snowdepth_month
        freq: M
        agg: mean

      # SWE (certain dates)
      - var: snow.swe
        name: swe_dates
        - 2020-04-11 12:00
        - 2020-06-02 12:00

      # Snow depth (certain dates)
      - var: snow.depth
        name: snowdepth_dates
        - 2020-04-11 12:00
        - 2020-06-02 12:00

      # Snowmelt (monthly sum)
      - var: snow.melt
        name: snowmelt_month
        freq: M
        agg: sum

      # SWE (daily)
      # - var: snow.swe
      #   freq: D
      # - var: snow.depth
      #   freq: D

      # Evapotranspiration (monthly sum)
      - var: evapotranspiration.evapotranspiration
        freq: M
        agg: sum

      - var: meteo.temp
        freq: D
        agg: mean
      - var: meteo.precip
        freq: D
        agg: sum
      - var: meteo.rel_hum
        freq: D
        agg: mean
      - var: meteo.sw_in
        freq: D
        agg: mean
      - var: meteo.lw_in
        freq: D
        agg: mean
      - var: meteo.wind_speed
        freq: D
        agg: mean

  # Time series (point) outputs configuration
    format: csv # output format (csv or netcdf)
    write_freq: M
    add_default_points: true
    add_default_variables: true
#    points:
#      - x: 638139
#        y: 5181920
#      - x: 642579
#        y: 5193069
#        name: testpoint
#      - x: 637235
#        y: 5192569

      - var: evapotranspiration.evapotranspiration
      - var: surface.turbulent_exchange_coeff

  # Spatial interpolation parameters
      trend_method: fixed # use fixed monthly temperature lapse rates
      extrapolate: true
      lapse_rate: # (°C m-1)
        - -0.0026 # J
        - -0.0035 # F
        - -0.0047 # M
        - -0.0053 # A
        - -0.0052 # M
        - -0.0053 # J
        - -0.0049 # J
        - -0.0047 # A
        - -0.0042 # S
        - -0.0033 # O
        - -0.0035 # N
        - -0.0031 # D

      trend_method: fractional # use fixed monthly fractional precipitation gradients
      extrapolate: true
      lapse_rate: # (m-1)
        - 0.00048 # J
        - 0.00046 # F
        - 0.00041 # M
        - 0.00033 # A
        - 0.00028 # M
        - 0.00025 # J
        - 0.00024 # J
        - 0.00025 # A
        - 0.00028 # S
        - 0.00033 # O
        - 0.00041 # N
        - 0.00046 # D

      trend_method: fixed # use fixed monthly dew point temperature lapse rates
      extrapolate: true
        - -0.0044 # J
        - -0.0046 # F
        - -0.0049 # M
        - -0.0048 # A
        - -0.0046 # M
        - -0.0047 # J
        - -0.0043 # J
        - -0.0042 # A
        - -0.0045 # S
        - -0.0044 # O
        - -0.0047 # N
        - -0.0046 # D

      method: clear_sky_fraction # use the ratio of measured vs. potential shortwave radiation to calculate cloudiness
      clear_sky_fraction_night_method: humidity # for method "clear_sky_fraction" calculate nighttime cloudiness using a relationship between relative humidity and air temperature at a defined pressure level
      allow_fallback: true # allow to fall back to calculate cloud fraction using other methods if the selected method is unavailable (e.g. due to missing measurements)

      trend_method: regression
      extrapolate: false

  # Precipitation phase determination parameters
    method: wet_bulb_temp # use wet-bulb temperature for precipitation phase determination
    threshold_temp: 273.65 # threshold temperature (K) in which 50% of precipitation falls as snow
    temp_range: 1. # temperature range in which mixed precipitation can occur

  # Parameters for adjusting precipitation for wind-induced undercatch and snow redistribution
    #- method: constant_scf
    #  scf: 1.25
    #- method: kochendorfer # use the Kochendorfer et al. (2017) transfer functions
    #  gauge: us_un # gauge-specific transfer function to use according to Kochendorfer et al. (2017, Table 3)
    - method: wmo
      gauge: hellmann

    #- method: srf # apply an additional precalculated spatially distributed snow redistribution factor (SRF)

  # Radiation parameters
    snow_emissivity: 0.99
    cloud_emissivity: 0.976
    rock_emission_factor: 0.01
    ozone_layer_thickness: 0.0035
    atmospheric_visibility: 25000.
    single_scattering_albedo: 0.9
    clear_sky_albedo: 0.0685
    num_shadow_sweeps: 1

    temperature: 2 # temperature measurement height (m)
    wind: 10 # wind measurement height (m)

  stability_correction: false # adjust turbulent fluxes for atmospheric stability
  stability_adjustment_parameter: 5. # adjustment parameter for atmospheric stability correction

# Snow parameters
  model: multilayer # snow scheme (multilayer or cryolayers)
  thermal_conductivity: 0.24 # snow thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1)
  roughness_length: 0.01 # roughness length of snow-covered ground (m)
  measurement_height_adjustment: false # adjust the temperature measurement height for snow depth
  snow_cover_fraction_depth_scale: 1.e-6 # snow cover fraction depth scale (m)

  # Parameters for the cryo layer model
      old_snow: 200. # new snow -> old snow transition (density, kg m-3)
      firn: 10 # old snow -> firn transition (calendar month)
      ice: 900. # firn -> ice transition (density, kg m-3)
    use_single_snow_albedo: true # xxx
    cold_holding_capacity: 0.05 # cold holding capacity (as a fraction of the layer SWE) and refreezing factor for the cold content approach by Braun (1984)
    refreezing_factor: 1. # fraction of available energy that is used for building up cold content and refreezing liquid water
    surface_heat_flux: -2. # surface heat flux for snow-covered conditions (W m-2)

  # Albedo parameters
    method: snow_age
    min: 0.55 # minimum snow albedo
    max: 0.85 # maximum snow albedo
    cold_snow_decay_timescale: 480 # albedo decay timescale for cold (T < 0 °C) snow (h)
    melting_snow_decay_timescale: 200 # albedo decay timescale for melting snow (h)
    decay_timescale_determination_temperature: surface # use surface temperature to distinguish between cold and melting snow
    refresh_snowfall: 0.5 # snowfall amount for resetting albedo to the maximum value (kg m-2 h-1)
    refresh_method: binary # binary or continuous
    firn: 0.4 # firn albedo (constant)
    ice: 0.2 # ice albedo (constant)

  # Snow compaction parameters
    method: anderson # anderson or empirical

    # Parameters for method "empirical"
    timescale: 200 # snow compaction timescale (h)
    max_cold_density: 300 # maximum density for cold (T < 0 °C) snow (kg m-3)
    max_melting_density: 500 # maximum density for melting snow (kg m-3)

  # Liquid water content
    method: pore_volume_fraction # pore_volume_fraction or mass_fraction
    max: 0.03 # maximum liquid water content as a fraction of the total pore volume or mass

  # Melt parameters
    method: energy_balance # melt method (energy_balance, temperature_index or enhanced_temperature_index)
    threshold_temp: 273.15 # threshold temperature for the temperature index methods (K)
    degree_day_factor: 1.2 # degree day factor for the temperature index methods (kg m-2 d-1 K-1)
    albedo_factor: 0.1 # albedo factor for the enhanced temperature index method (m2 kg m-2 W-1 d-1)

soil: # Soil parameters for FSM soil module (not used for FAO evapotranspiration)
    - 0.1
    - 0.2
    - 0.4
    - 0.8
  sand_fraction: 0.6
  clay_fraction: 0.3
  init_moisture_content: 0.5
  init_temp: 285
  saturated_soil_surface_conductance: 0.01
  roughness_length: 0.1
  albedo: 0.15

  enabled: true
  extinction_coefficient: 0.71
  temperature_scaling_coefficient: 0.8
  canopy_flow_index_coefficient: 0.9
  spherical_ice_particle_radius: 500.e-6
  kinematic_air_viscosity: 1.3e-5
  max_interception_storage_coefficient: 4.4
  exposure_coefficient_coefficient: 0.010
  degree_day_factor: 5.

  enabled: true
  min_crop_coefficient: 0.175
  grass_albedo: 0.23
  grass_emissivity: 0.985
  sealed_albedo: 0.4
  sealed_emissivity: 0.92
  mean_wind_speed: 2.
  mean_min_humidity: 45.
  surface_soil_layer_evaporation_depth: 0.125

    # Water (
      crop_coefficient_type: single
        - 1.25
        - 0.65
        - 1.25
      plant_date: 1
        - 0
        - 183
        - 0
        - 183
      max_height: 0
      rooting_depth: .nan
      depletion_fraction: .nan
      is_water_body: true
    # Bare rock (
      is_sealed: true
      max_sealed_interception: 0.935
      max_height: 1.9
      depletion_fraction: .nan
      rooting_depth: .nan
    # Settlement (
      is_sealed: true
      max_sealed_interception: 0.935
      max_height: 1.9
      depletion_fraction: .nan
      rooting_depth: .nan
    # Pasture (
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.30
        - 0.90
        - 0.80
      plant_date: 60
        - 10
        - 20
        - 210
        - 30
      max_height: 0.225
      rooting_depth: 0.5
      depletion_fraction: 0.6
    # Coniferous forest (
      is_forest: true
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.95
        - 0.95
        - 0.95
      plant_date: 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 366
        - 0
      max_height: 26.
      scale_height: false
      rooting_depth: 1.25
      depletion_fraction: 0.7
        min: 3.8
        max: 5.1
        effective_add: 3.2
    # Deciduous forest (
      is_forest: true
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.5
        - 1.05
        - 0.6
      plant_date: 60
        - 20
        - 70
        - 120
        - 60
      max_height: 24.8
      scale_height: false
      rooting_depth: 2.05
      depletion_fraction: 0.5
        min: 0.5
        max: 4.4
        effective_add: 1.9
    # Mixed forest (
    # (ET parameters currently the same as for coniferous forest)
      is_forest: true
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.95
        - 0.95
        - 0.95
      plant_date: 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 366
        - 0
      max_height: 26.
      scale_height: false
      rooting_depth: 1.25
      depletion_fraction: 0.7
        min: 2.0
        max: 4.7
        effective_add: 2.5
    # Arable land
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.15
        - 1.10
        - 0.25
      plant_date: 120
        - 30
        - 40
        - 50
        - 25
      max_height: 2.
      rooting_depth: 1.35
      depletion_fraction: 0.55
    # Natural grassland (
    # TODO: currently uses the same parameters as for pastures; should be adjusted
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.30
        - 0.90
        - 0.80
      plant_date: 60
        - 10
        - 20
        - 210
        - 30
      max_height: 0.225
      rooting_depth: 0.5
      depletion_fraction: 0.6
    # Transitional zone (
    # (assumed to be non-leaf dropping with 25% soil coverage)
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 1.20
        - 1.20
        - 1.20
      plant_date: 1
        - 0
        - 0
        - 366
        - 0
      max_height: 3.
      rooting_depth: 0.5
      depletion_fraction: 0.5
      is_sparse: true
      sparse_vegetation_fraction: 0.25
    # Alpine vegetation (
    # TODO: currently uses the same parameters as for pastures; should be adjusted
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.30
        - 0.90
        - 0.80
      plant_date: 60
        - 10
        - 20
        - 210
        - 30
      max_height: 0.225
      rooting_depth: 0.5
      depletion_fraction: 0.6
    # Wetland (
    # TODO: currently uses the same parameters as for pastures; should be adjusted
      crop_coefficient_type: dual
        - 0.30
        - 0.90
        - 0.80
      plant_date: 60
        - 10
        - 20
        - 210
        - 30
      max_height: 0.225
      rooting_depth: 0.5
      depletion_fraction: 0.6

  enabled: true
  cols: 5
  width: 1200
  height: 800
    - var: meteo.temp
      min: 255
      max: 280
    - var: meteo.precip
      min: 0
      max: 5
    - var: meteo.snowfall
      min: 0
      max: 5
    - var: meteo.rainfall
      min: 0
      max: 5
    - var: meteo.rel_hum
      min: 30
      max: 100
    - var: meteo.wind_speed
      min: 0
      max: 10
    - var: meteo.sw_in
      min: 0
      max: 1200
    - var: meteo.sw_out
      min: 0
      max: 800
    - var: meteo.lw_in
      min: 150
      max: 350
    - var: meteo.lw_out
      min: 200
      max: 500
    - var: snow.num_layers
      min: 0
      max: 3
    - var: snow.swe
      min: 0
      max: 100
    - var: snow.depth
      min: 0
      max: 1
    - var: surface.albedo
      min: 0
      max: 1
    - var: surface.temp
      min: 255
      max: 280