Output data

The model output is configured in the configuration file. It generally consist of gridded data and/or time series of chosen model variables. The data format, variable names, output frequency, and aggregation functions are fully customizable. File formats are netcdf,geotiff,ascii, and csv.

Gridded output data

The following part of an example configuration file demonstrates the options for gridded output.

# Output data configuration
  # Configuration for gridded outputs
    format: ascii # output format (ascii, geotiff or netcdf)
      # Temperature (monthly mean)
      - var: meteo.temp # internal variable name
        name: temp_month # NetCDF output variable name
        freq: M # write frequency (if not specified, write every timestep)
        agg: mean # aggregation function ("sum", "mean" or empty)

      # Precipitation (monthly sum)
      - var: meteo.precip # internal variable name
        name: precip_month # NetCDF output variable name
        freq: M # write frequency (if not specified, write every timestep)
        agg: sum  # aggregation function ("sum", "mean" or empty)

      # SWE (monthly mean)
      - var: snow.swe
        name: swe_month
        freq: M
        agg: mean

      # Snow depth (monthly mean)
      - var: snow.depth
        name: snowdepth_month
        freq: M
        agg: mean

      # SWE (certain dates)
      - var: snow.swe
        name: swe_dates
        - 2020-04-11 12:00
        - 2020-06-02 12:00

      # Snow depth (certain dates)
      - var: snow.depth
        name: snowdepth_dates
        - 2020-04-11 12:00
        - 2020-06-02 12:00

      # Snowmelt (monthly sum)
      - var: snow.melt
        name: snowmelt_month
        freq: M
        agg: sum

       # SWE (daily)
       - var: snow.swe
         freq: D

       - var: snow.depth
         freq: D

      # Evapotranspiration (monthly sum)
      - var: evapotranspiration.evapotranspiration
        freq: M
        agg: sum

Time-series (point) output data

The following part of an example configuration file demonstrates the options for time series output. By default, time series are written at the locations of the meteorological input stations.

# Output data configuration
  # Time series (point) outputs configuration
    format: csv # output format (csv or netcdf)
      - x: 638139
        y: 5181920
      - x: 642579
        y: 5193069
        name: testpoint
      - x: 637235
        y: 5192569

    add_default_variables: true
      - var: evapotranspiration.evapotranspiration